and goin to college.
tis good.
Age 33, Male
Audio engineer
Joined on 1/12/05
Posted by Twone - April 4th, 2009
I bought Gears of War 2 about three months ago. After playing and loving the first Gears game, I decided to get the second. This gameplay is just as good as the first. But here's my problem... online play.
I figured this game would be full of cool gamers and douchebags out there, but I was wrong. Everyone is a fucking crybaby. When I kill someone on the game, some kid pisses himself and says I stole his kill. Boo fucking hoo, it's a videogame, cry abouti t. Speaking of crying, whenever something goes wrong for some player or if they die, they literally start crying. I heard a guy cry because he wasn't getting any kills. In fact, his exact words were, "I'm 35 years old and I'm crying over a videogame." Are you kidding me? What the hell are you doing on Xbox live anyway? I'm going to assume he lives in the basement of his parent's basement.
Sometimes when I'm playing this game, my friend plays with me (because this is all he does). Whenever I get killed because I made a mistake, he calls me a "fucking idiot." Good one, asshole. Because if I don't get this game right, I won't get anywhere in life. Which leads me to another thing: once I was playing on live and some guy wanted to boot me. Why? "You don't know what you're doing. Not that you're not cool or nothin, but you have to play this game with the team. You can't go running off." Fuck you, I play this game however the fuck I want. Why is this game ruled by shovanistic assholes? Fuck this game, I'm going back to N64.
I really can't see why people take this game so seriously. Or any game over Xbox live. I really don't give a shit about gamerscore, and I really don't think anyone else should either. Videogames are meant for fun and mindless entertainment, not as a lifestyle. Unless you're a game desginer or game tester or getting paid in the field of gaming. If you're playing a game and you get pissed off about something, just do everyone a favor and let it go.
Posted by Twone - June 29th, 2008 me!
I turn 17 today. I feel old now.
EDIT: So I got a recording studio thing from my parents today. Expect audio portal submissions in the future!
EDIT 2: So, my girlfriend knows how I never had a pet when I was little... so she gave me one! A blue Betta fish. I named him Vince.
EDIT 3: Got my driver's license!